Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Best Pain Management Ultrasound Workshops

There are many workshops available across the country, prices ranging from $0-$3,000.  So what are the best workshops to attend?  If you are a Pain Management Physician you should look at nothing else but the American Association of Pain Management in Ultrasound (  The Association has different levels to their courses making them easy for a Physician to understand which one is best suited for them based on their comfort level and experience.  In addition, they are the only CME Certified pain association offering ultrasound workshops.  

Below are some links so you can check them out:

Ultrasound Guided SI Joint Injections

A challenging injection for many Pain Management specialists is an SI Joint.  This type of an injection is most certainly performed under some sort of imaging guidance, the imaging of choice over the last decade has been x-ray or fluoroscopy.  However, just over the last couple of years more and more clinical information has been coming out that the use of ultrasound is a great alternative to fluoroscopy due to the fact that it's more readily available, can be done in any exam room, and doesn't have radiation.  The rates of success in entering the joint and outcome levels vary by the experience of the physician.

So why hasn't it taken over as the imaging choice for many Pain Dr's?  Primarily lack of training and comfort level as mentioned above.  The SI Joint is a difficult joint to image under ultrasound guidance primarily due to it's normal anatomy and the difficult nature of entering the joint.  The experts at Advisor Medical have 2 unique techniques in imaging this difficult joint that makes it easy and straight forward for beginning Pain Medicine Dr's to successfully start performing this injection.  To view the video demonstration of this technique click here.

Advisor Medical is the United States leading MSK Ultrasound equipment & training company.  Specialized in the Pain Management and Orthopedic markets.
